Making a difference

Our commitment to environmentally and socially concious spaces is at the heart of operational practice at Arlington Park.


Offering sustainable buildings, climate-friendly transport connections and low energy operational processes
  • Zero waste to landfill policy
  • Best-in-class WiredScore accreditations
  • Proactive lake maintanance and biodiversity management
  • 100% renewable energy
  • Electric vehicle charging

provides actionable intelligence to property managers and building contractors. It is intended to deliver quantifiable benefits in a short space of time and to make the management of buildings easier.

Estimated that 392,000 kWh
of energy consumption has
been avoided, since deployment

  • An average Demand Logic score of 96.3 across all of our buildings
  • Bike stand providing tools for basic repair
  • Brompton bike hire and dedicated storage
  • Encouraging recycling through innovative reverse vending machine that provides rewards for empty bottles and cans
  • Amazon lockers to reduce the number of deliveries


We run wellbeing initiatives and extensive outreach programmes throughout the year
  • Working with charities including Alexander Devine Children’s Hospice
  • Community events such as Christmas Fayre, Easter Fun Day
  • Supporting local entrepreneurs and creators
  • Engage and educate on the parks biodiversity
  • Implementing survey feedback from tenants on how we can improve
  • Networking events for our business community
  • Free outdoor screenings of sporting events and films to encourage
    downtime, networking and engage with the community
Charity initiatives
At Arlington Park, we are proud to support a number of charities in whatever way we can.
"A huge thank you to Arlington Park. Priors Court School will be benefitting from your generous food donation today. Hugely appreciated!"
Caroline Smith, Priors Court School


Taking responsibility for cyber security, environmental impact, risk management and development standards
  • Cyber Security Audits are being conducted in 2022
  • National minimum living wage for all suppliers
  • Disability Access Audits (DDA) carried out regularly around the park
  • Strict procurement criteria for all service suppliers
  • Risk Management covering both financial risks and physical elements on the park

Fit-out, refurbishment and development standards covering:

  • Energy efficiency and embodied carbon reduction
  • Enhancing health and wellbeing provision
  • Intelligent building technology
  • Future proofing EPC ratings
  • Committing to achieve relevant certifications and ratings such as BREEAM, Fitwel, Cycling Score and AirRated